Sunday, 22 May 2011

Moving Image/My First One Shot

I was asked to produce a short film collaboratively in teams of 4 or 5. We had to work together to develop an original one shot idea, we also had to plan, shoot, edit the footage and then upload it online. But due to me being a bit lost with my team and there idea being shit i decided to carry out this task on my own and i created a film called Every Night Somebody's Worst. ENJOY :)

Concept of one shot film 
The concept of my one shot film came from the things i have seen and have experienced. Things that occur in my one shot film happen in everyday life where i come from and everywhere in this world. 

What is a one shot film?
long take is an uninterrupted shot in a film which lasts much longer than the conventional editing pace either of the film itself or of films in general, usually lasting several minutes. It can be used for dramatic and narrative effect if done properly, and in moving shots is often accomplished through the use of a dolly or Steadicam. Long takes of a sequence filmed in one shot without any editing are rare in films. 

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Animation/2nd 3 Week Project

During the 1st week of animation I was given a task called Jelly Jumping Word, where I had to create a jelly jumping word on Autodesk 3ds Max 2011. First I started of by making the floor plane then i made the jelly word then i had to animate the wind up and snap (getting the jelly word to jump) as they call it in my notes. 

Animation created for the end of 3 week project, truthfully animation is not one of my strong points


1 Jumping
JELLY Word 1
Before we start making:
Along the top menu bar under

Now to make the floor plane:
1. On the “Command Panel” Create Geometry “Plane” then in the top view left click and drag out a plane object. On the “Command Panel” Switch to the Modify Tab Under its parameters set its length to about 1000.0cm and it width about
1000.0cm as well.
2. Use select and move tool to put it as close to the centre of the world as possible or you can right click on the “Select and Move” button and type its zeroed position into the absolute world values:
X = 0.0cm
Y = 0.0cm
Z = 0.0cm

To make the
1. On the “Command Panel” Go: create shapes “Text”
2. In the “Text” box type the word “
Leave the size around 100cm and set the kerning to around “5.2cm”
3. With the text selected go: Modify modifier list and select extrude from the drop down menu Set the amount to 10 and segments to 1
4. Then go:Modify modifier list bend Set the bend axis to “X” then play with the bend angle and
direction to see what they do, then set the bend angle to 0° and the direction to 90°
5. Hit the auto key button this should a red border around your active view port telling you that Max will start recording key frames.
JELLY” into the text box in all Capital letters set the font to “Courier New Bold”
1 Jumping
JELLY Word 2
To animate The wind up and snap:
1. Move the timeline slider to frame 15 and then set the text’s bend angle to -100°, then move the timeline on to frame 17 and set the angle back to 0° to prepare
2. Move the time slider on to frame 19 set the angle to 50°. Right click on the Select and Move button and type 25.0cm into the Absolute world Z value; this should move the text upwards 25cm until the ends of the text rest on the ground. [The Z axis being up and down.]
3. Go back to frame 17 and in the front view move the text back down to the floor to put in a keyframe that holds the text in place until we want it to move up. [You can right click on the select and move tool to move it to the height we want it by typing the 0.0cm value into the Z absolute world value box Z = 0.0cm
4. With “Auto Key” still on [and red] check out frame 18 now, you will find the text drops through the floor here, add another key frame by moving the text up or type in its z value of “Z = 20.0 cm” so the ends of the text rest on the ground.

JELLY to jump.
The jump:
1. At frame 25 in the front view move the text up to Z=100.0cm above the floor and set the bend angle to 0
2. At frame 28 set the bend to -80
3. At frame 32 in the front view move the text back down to the floor [Z=0.0cm]

The Impact:
1. At frame 33 set the bend angle to 0 then go back to frame 32 and set the bend angle to -80
At frame 35 set the bend angle to -50
At frame 37 set the bend angle to 0
At frame 39 set the bend angle to -20
At frame 41 set the bend angle to 0
At frame 43 set the bend angle to -5
At frame 45 set the bend angle to 0

The second larger wind up and snap:
1. At frame 60 set the bend angle to -140
2. At frame 62 set the bend angle to 0
3. At frame 64 set the bend angle to 90 and in the front view move the text up to Z=45.0cm
4. Go back to frame 62 and in the front view move the text back down to the floor Z=0.0cm to set a keyframe.
5. With “Auto Key” still on [and red] check out frame 63 now, you will find the text drops through the floor here, add another key frame by moving the text up or type in its z value of “Z = 30.0 cm” so the ends of the text rest on the ground.
1 Jumping
JELLY Word 3
The second jump:
1. At frame 73 set the bend angle back to 0 then in the front view move the text up to Z=150.0cm
2. At frame 75 set the bend angle to -105
3. At frame 80 in the front view move the text down to Z=0.0cm

The second impact:
1. At frame 81 set the bend angle to 0 then go back to frame 80 and set the bend angle to -105 to set a keyframe
At frame 83 set the bend angle to -120
At frame 85 set the bend angle to 0
At frame 87 set the bend angle to -90
At frame 89 set the bend angle to -0
At frame 91 set the bend angle to -60
At frame 93 set the bend angle to -0
At frame 95 set the bend angle to -40
At frame 97 set the bend angle to 0
At frame 99 set the bend angle to -10
At frame 100 set the bend angle to 0

To render:
1. Go: open render dialogue box
This displays the render dialogue box
The default render size under custom is 640 X 480, under output size next to “custom” is a drop down use that to pick HDTV [video] and select 1920 X 1080
2. Click the “active time segment” button to render the whole timeline
3. Hit the
the box so scroll down
4. Make a new folder for your files to out put to, pick PNG as the file format, give your
files a 0 name and select a local drive to render to then hit save [copy your work to a
network drive later]
5. make sure the “perspective” is selected then hit Render
files… button that displays the “output files” dialogue box this is low in

Customize hit “Units Setup”. Set the units to centimetres and under System Unit Setup set 1 unit = 1.0 centimetres.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Interactive Space Project: Making New Maps

During the first week of my new Multimedia course at NTU, I was assigned a 3 week project which was called interactive space. Where i had to make use of photographic and screen design elements in order to experiment with the possibilities of interactive space. So using a Cannon PowerShot S3 IS 6.0 Mega Pixel camera and constant planning on the concept of my project i was able to create a selection of staged scenes. I had to then edit and resize the pictures taken  for web purposes on photoshop CS5. Then using Dreamweaver I incorporated a hypertext link to these shots and created structured sequence of events.

The concept of my interactive space project, came from everyday life when im not in university. I call it reality. Im from a place called Brixton in the South West of London where many people class as a ruff area, and being surrounded and actually getting involved in bad things such as drug dealing etc is where my concept came from. I thought it would be versatile of me to relate it to everyday life and experiences that have occured with in my life. I have placed the photos with all their alterations below in the order i desired so take a look.